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Journal Papers


Yeh LC, Bardelang M, Kaiser D. (submitted) Cortical alpha rhythms interpolate occluded motion from natural scene context. preprint


Yeh LC, Gayet S, Kaiser D, Peelen MV. (submitted) The neural time course of size constancy in natural scenes. preprint


Chen L, Cichy RM, Kaiser D. (submitted) Representational shifts from feedforward to feedback rhythms index phenomenological integration in natural vision. preprint


Stecher R, Cichy RM, Kaiser D. (submitted) Decoding the contents of visual brain rhythms. preprint


Wang G, Chen L, Cichy RM, Kaiser D. (submitted) Enhanced and idiosyncratic neural representations of personally typical scenes. *equal contribution preprint


Xie S, Singer JJD, Yilmaz B, Kaiser D*, Cichy RM*. (submitted) The representational nature of spatio-temporal recurrent processing in visual object recognition. *equal contribution preprint


Gao X, Yang J, ... , Kaiser D, Wei T, Yuan B. (submitted) How do we imagine a speech? A triple network model for situationally simulated inner speech. preprint


Lu Z*, Doerig A*, Bosch V*, Krahmer B, Kaiser D*, Cichy RM*, Kietzmann TC*. (submitted) End-to-end topographic networks as models of cortical map formation and human visual behaviour: moving beyond convolutions. *equal contribution preprint

Goupil N, Kaiser D, Papeo L. (submitted) Category-specific effects of high-level relations in visual searchpreprint

Iamshchinina P, Haenelt D, Trampel R, Weiskopf N, Kaiser D*, Cichy RM*. (submitted) Benchmarking GE-BOLD, SE-BOLD, and SS-SI-VASO sequences for depth-dependent separation of feedforward and feedback signals in high-field MRI. *equal contribution preprint

Accepted / In Press

Carter A, Kaiser D. (in press) An object numbering task reveals an underestimation of complexity for typically structured scenes. Psychon Bull Rev. PDF - data & code


Kucuk E, Foxwell MJ, Kaiser D, Pitcher D. (2024) Moving and static faces, bodies, objects and scenes are differentially represented across the three visual pathways. J Cogn Neurosci 36: 2639-2651. PDF - data


Stecher R, Kaiser D. (2024) Representation of imaginary scenes and their properties in cortical alpha activity. Sci Rep 14: 12796PDF - data & code


Chen L, Cichy RM, Kaiser D. (2024) Coherent categorical information triggers integration-related alpha dynamics. J Neurophysiol 131: 619-625PDF - data & code

Nara S, Kaiser D. (2024) Integrative processing in artificial and biological vision predicts the perceived beauty of natural images. Sci Adv 10: eadi9294. PDF - data & code

Wang G*, Foxwell MJ*, Cichy RM, Pitcher D, Kaiser D. (2024) Individual differences in internal models explain idiosyncrasies in scene perception. Cognition 245: 105723. *equal contribution PDF - data & code


Klink H, Kaiser D, Stecher R, Ambrus GG*, Kovács G*. (2023) Your place or mine? The neural dynamics of personally familiar scene recognition suggests category independent familiarity encoding. Cereb Cortex 33: 11634–11645. *equal contribution PDF - data & code

Pitcher D, Sliwinska MW, Kaiser D. (2023) TMS disruption of the lateral prefrontal cortex increases neural activity in the default mode network when naming facial expressions. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 18: 1-9. PDF


Chen L, Cichy RM*, Kaiser D*. (2023) Alpha-frequency feedback to early visual cortex orchestrates coherent naturalistic vision. Sci Adv 9: eadi2321. *equal contribution PDF - data & code - raw data


Kaiser D, Stecher R, Doerschner K. (2023) EEG decoding reveals neural predictions for naturalistic material behaviors. J Neurosci 43: 5406-5413PDF - data



Kaiser D. (2022) Spectral brain signatures of aesthetic natural perception in the alpha and beta frequency bands. J Neurophysiol 128: 1501-1505. PDF - data

Kaiser D. (2022) Characterizing dynamic neural representations of scene attractiveness. J Cogn Neurosci 34: 1988-1997. PDF - data


Chen L, Cichy RM*, Kaiser D*. (2022) Semantic scene-object consistency modulates N300/400 EEG components, but does not automatically facilitate object representations. Cereb Cortex 32: 3553-3567. *equal contribution PDF

Iamshchinina P, Karapetian A, Kaiser D*, Cichy RM*. (2022) Resolving the time course of visual and auditory object categorization. J Neurophysiol 127: 1622-1628. *equal contribution PDF - datacode

Kaiser D, Jacobs AM, Cichy RM. (2022) Modelling brain representations of abstract concepts. PLOS Comput Biol 18: e1009837. PDF - data & code


Kaiser D, Cichy RM. (2021) Parts and wholes in scene processing. J Cogn Neurosci 34: 4-15. PDF


Iamshchinina P, Kaiser D, Yakupov R, Haenelt D, Sciarra A, Mattern H, Lüsebrink F, Duezel E, Speck O, Weiskopf N, Cichy RM. (2021) Perceived and mentally rotated contents are differentially represented in cortical depth of V1. Commun Biol 4: 1069. PDF - data

Ambrus GG, Eick CM, Kaiser D, Kovács G. (2021) Getting to know you: emerging neural representations during face familiarization. J Neurosci 41: 5687-5698. PDF


Kaiser D, Häberle G, Cichy RM. (2021) Coherent natural scene structure facilitates the extraction of task-relevant object information in visual cortex. Neuroimage 340: 118365. PDF - data

Stein T, Kaiser D, Fahrenfort JJ, van Gaal S. (2021) The human visual system differentially represents subjectively and objectively invisible stimuli. PLOS Biol 19: e3001241. PDF - data


Kaiser D, Nyga K. (2020) Tracking cortical representations of facial attractiveness using time-resolved representational similarity analysis. Sci Rep 10: 16852. PDF data


Kaiser D, Inciuraite G, Cichy RM. (2020) Rapid contextualization of fragmented scene information in the human visual system. Neuroimage 219: 117045PDF data


Xie S, Kaiser D, Cichy RM. (2020) Visual imagery and perception share neural representations in the alpha frequency band. Curr Biol 30: 2621-2627. PDF data


Kaiser D, Häberle G, Cichy RM. (2020) Real-world structure facilitates the rapid emergence of scene category information in visual brain signals. J Neurophysiol 124: 145-151. PDF data


Kaiser D, Häberle G, Cichy RM. (2020) Cortical sensitivity to natural scene structure. Hum Brain Mapp 41: 1286-1295. PDF data

Battistoni E, Kaiser D, Hickey C, Peelen MV. (2020) The time course of spatial attention during naturalistic visual search. Cortex 122: 225-234. PDF


Ambrus GG*, Kaiser D*, Cichy RM, Kovács G. (2019) The neural dynamics of familiar face recognition. Cereb Cortex 29: 4775-4784. *equal contribution PDF

Kaiser D, Turini J, Cichy RM. (2019) A neural mechanism for contextualizing fragmented inputs during naturalistic vision. eLife 8: e48182PDF data

Kaiser D, Quek GL, Cichy RM, Peelen MV. (2019) Object vision in a structured world. Trends Cogn Sci 23: 672-685. PDF

Proklova D, Kaiser D, Peelen MV. (2019) MEG sensor patterns reflect perceptual but not categorical similarity of animate and inanimate objects. Neuroimage 193: 167-177. PDF data & code


Cichy RM, Kaiser D. (2019) Deep neural networks as scientific models. Trends Cogn Sci 23: 305-317. PDF



Kaiser D, Cichy RM. (2018) Typical visual-field locations enhance processing in object-selective channels of human occipital cortex. J Neurophysiol 120: 848-853. PDF - data

Kaiser D, Cichy RM. (2018) Typical visual-field locations facilitate access to awareness for everyday objects. Cognition 180: 118-122. PDF - data

Kaiser D, Moeskops MM, Cichy RM. (2018) Typical retinotopic locations impact the time course of object coding. Neuroimage 176: 372-379. PDF - data


Kaiser D, Peelen MV. (2018) Transformation from independent to integrative coding of multi-object arrangements in human visual cortex. Neuroimage 169: 334-341. PDF


Kaiser D, Haselhuhn T. (2017) Facing a regular world: How spatial object structure shapes visual processing. J Neurosci 37: 1965-1967. PDF


Kaiser D, Oosterhof NN, Peelen MV. (2016) The neural dynamics of attentional selection in natural scenes. J Neurosci 36: 10522-10528. PDF


Stein T, Kaiser D, Hesselmann G. (2016) Can working memory be non-conscious? Neurosci Conscious 1: 1-3. PDF


Proklova D*, Kaiser D*, Peelen MV. (2016) Disentangling representations of object shape and object category in human visual cortex: the animate-inanimate distinction. J Cogn Neurosci 28: 680-692. *equal contribution PDF


Kaiser D*, Azzalini DC*, Peelen MV. (2016) Shape-independent object category responses revealed by MEG and fMRI decoding. J Neurophysiol 115: 2246-2250. *equal contribution PDF


Kaiser D, Stein T, Peelen MV. (2015) Real-world spatial regularities affect visual working memory for objects. Psychon Bull Rev 22: 1784-1790. PDF


Stein T, Kaiser D, Peelen MV. (2015) Interobject grouping facilitates visual awareness. J Vis 15: 10. PDF


Hickey C, Kaiser D, Peelen MV. (2015) Reward guides attention to object categories in real-world scenes. J Exp Psychol Gen 144: 264-273. PDF



Keresztes A, Kaiser D, Kovács G*, Racsmány M*. (2014) Testing promotes long-term learning via stabilizing activation patterns in a large network of brain areas. Cereb Cortex 24: 3025-3035. *equal contribution PDF


Kaiser D, Stein T, Peelen MV. (2014) Object grouping based on real-world regularities facilitates perception by reducing competitive interactions in visual cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111: 11217–11222. PDF


Kaiser D*, Strnad L*, Seidl KN, Kastner S, Peelen MV. (2014) Whole person-evoked fMRI activity patterns in human fusiform gyrus are accurately modeled by a linear combination of face- and body-evoked activity patterns. J Neurophysiol 111: 82-90. *equal contribution PDF



Kaiser D, Walther C, Schweinberger SR, Kovács G. (2013) Dissociating the neural bases of repetition-priming and adaptation in the human brain for faces. J Neurophysiol 110: 2727-2738. PDF

Kovács G, Kaiser D, Kaliukhovich DA, Vidnyánszky Z, Vogels R. (2013) Repetition probability does not affect fMRI repetition suppression for objects. J Neurosci 33: 9805-9812. PDF


Walther C, Schweinberger SR, Kaiser D, Kovács G. (2013) Neural correlates of priming and adaptation in familiar face perception. Cortex 49: 1963–1977. PDF

Conference Presentations


Kaiser D, Wang G, Foxwell MJ, Chen L, Cichy RM, Pitcher D. (2024) Scene perception, in the eye of the beholder. 66th TeaP - Conference for Experimental Psychologists, Regensburg, Germany.


Yeh LC, Kaiser D. (2024) Neural interpolation of dynamic visual information in natural scenes. 66th TeaP - Conference for Experimental Psychologists, Regensburg, Germany.


Engeser MF, Kaiser D. (2024) Is my kitchen your kitchen? Do shared internal models lead to shared scene perception? 66th TeaP - Conference for Experimental Psychologists, Regensburg, Germany.


Flieger PH, Kaiser D. (2024) The good, the bad, and the uglified: The effect of image quality on perceived scene beauty. 66th TeaP - Conference for Experimental Psychologists, Regensburg, Germany.


Nara S, Kaiser D. (2024) Integrative processing in artificial and biological vision predicts the perceived beauty of natural scenes. 66th TeaP - Conference for Experimental Psychologists, Regensburg, Germany.


Kaiser D. (2024) Parsing everyday environments through relations: neural underpinnings and individual differences. 42nd European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Brixen, Italy.


Nara S, Kaiser D. (2023) Integrative processing in artificial and biological vision predicts the perceived beauty of natural images. 45th European Conference on Visual Perception, Paphos, Cyprus.


Stecher R, Kaiser D. (2023) Imaginary scenes are represented in cortical alpha activity. 45th European Conference on Visual Perception, Paphos, Cyprus.

Chen L, Cichy RM, Kaiser D. (2023) Alpha rhythms support coherent natural vision through feedback to early visual cortex. 45th European Conference on Visual Perception, Paphos, Cyprus.

Wang G, Foxwell MF, Cichy RM, Pitcher D, Kaiser D. (2023) Individual differences in internal models determine scene perception. 45th European Conference on Visual Perception, Paphos, Cyprus.

Yeh LC, Kaiser D, Battistoni E, Gayet S, Peelen MV. (2023) The Temporal Dynamics of Size Constancy in Natural Scenes. 45th European Conference on Visual Perception, Paphos, Cyprus.

Lu Z, Doerig A, Bosch V, Krahmer B, Kaiser DCichy RM, Kietzmann TC. End-to-end topographic networks as models of cortical map formation and human visual behaviour: moving beyond convolutions. Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience, Oxford, UK.


Stecher R, Kaiser D. (2023) The properties of imaginary scenes are represented in cortical alpha activity. 65th TeaP - Conference for Experimental Psychologists, Trier, Germany.

Chen L, Cichy RM, Kaiser D. (2023) Cortical feedback dynamics in the alpha frequency range support coherent natural vision. 65th TeaP - Conference for Experimental Psychologists, Trier, Germany.

Wang G, Cichy RM, Kaiser D. (2023) Individual differences in internal models determine scene perception. 65th TeaP - Conference for Experimental Psychologists, Trier, Germany.


Kaiser D. (2023) Representational dynamics in the scene processing system are shaped by typical real-world statistics. International Convention of Psychological Science, Brussels, Belgium.


Chen L, Cichy RM, Kaiser D. (2022) Oscillatory brain signatures of dynamic visual integration in natural context. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (V-VSS, online).

Kaiser D, Foxwell MJ. (2022) Characterizing internal models for scene vision. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA.

Kaiser D. (2022) The role of part-whole relations in scene processing. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA.


Chen L, Cichy RM, Kaiser D. (2021) Scene-object congruency modulates N300/400 EEG components, but does not automatically facilitate object representations. 43rd European Conference on Visual Perception (online).

Foxwell MJ, Kaiser D. (2021) Similarity to internal models determines the efficiency of scene perception. 43rd European Conference on Visual Perception (online).


Kaiser D. (2021) Tracking the neural dynamics of aesthetic perception. 43rd European Conference on Visual Perception (online).


Iamshchinina P, Kaiser D, Yakupov R, Haenelt D, Mattern H, Duezel E, Speck O, Weiskopf N, Cichy RM. (2020) Perceived and mentally rotated contents are differentially represented in cortical layers of V1. 21st Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (online).


Iamshchinina P, Kaiser D, Yakupov R, Haenelt D, Mattern H, Duezel E, Speck O, Weiskopf N, Cichy RM. (2020) Perceived and mentally rotated contents are differentially represented in cortical layers of V1. Organization for Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting (online).


Iamshchinina P, Karapetian A, Kaiser D, Cichy RM. (2019) Neural dynamics of categorical information in visual and auditory signals. 42nd European Conference on Visual Perception, Leuven, Belgium.


Kaiser D, Turini J, Cichy RM. (2019) A neural mechanism for contextualizing fragmented inputs during naturalistic vision. SAMBA - Salzburg Mind-Brain Annual Meeting, Salzburg, Austria.

Kaiser D, Turini, J, Cichy RM. (2019) Spatial schemata determine cortical representations of the environment. 20th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA.

Xie S, Kaiser D, Iamshchinina P, Cichy, RM. (2019) Low-frequency oscillations track the contents of visual perception and mental imagery. 20th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA.

Ambrus GG, Kaiser D, Cichy RM, Kovács G. (2019) The neural dynamics of familiar face recognition. 61st TeaP - Conference for Experimental Psychologists, London, UK.

Kaiser D. (2019) Integrative processing of multi-object arrangements. International Convention of Psychological Science, Paris, France.


Ambrus GG, Kaiser D, Süllwold L-C, Kovács G. (2018) The temporal dynamics of identity encoding for famous faces. 41st European Conference on Visual Perception, Trieste, Italy.  


Kaiser D, Moeskops MM, Cichy RM. (2018) Typical real-world locations facilitate object processing. 19th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA. 


Turini J, Kaiser D, Cichy RM (2018) Implicit coding of positional structure in natural scenes revealed by EEG decoding. CAOs Workshop on Concepts, Actions and Objects, Rovereto, Italy.


Hensler T, Kaiser D, Cichy RM, Lundqvist D, Olsson A. (2018) The influence of observational fear learning on emotional responses and neural stimulus representations. 2nd MEG Nord Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.

Kaiser D, Moeskops MM, Cichy RM. (2017) Typical real-world locations impact object coding across the visual field. 47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, USA.


Kaiser D, Moeskops MM, Cichy RM. (2017) Typical real-world locations impact the time course of object coding. 10-years CIMeC anniversary conference, Rovereto, Italy


Kaiser D, Battistoni E, Oosterhof NN, Hickey C, Peelen MV. (2017) Using MEG to track attention during naturalistic visual search. 40th European Conference on Visual Perception, Berlin, Germany.

Moeskops MM, Kaiser D, Cichy RM. (2017) Typical real-world locations impact object coding across the visual field. 40th European Conference on Visual Perception, Berlin, Germany.


Peelen MV, Kaiser D. (2017) Positional regularity disrupts independent coding of multiple objects in visual cortex. 17th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA.

Thorat S, Proklova D, Kaiser D, Peelen MV. (2017) Using convolutional neural networks to measure the contribution of visual features to the representation of object animacy in the brain. CAOs Workshop on Concepts, Actions and Objects, Rovereto, Italy.


Setti F, Kaiser D, Peelen MV. (2016) Objects in commonly experienced configurations are less distracting: evidence from MEG. CAOs Workshop on Concepts, Actions and Objects, Rovereto, Italy.


Proklova D, Kaiser D, Peelen MV. (2016) Decoding object shape and object category with MEG. CAOs Workshop on Concepts, Actions and Objects, Rovereto, Italy.


Kaiser D, Azzalini DC, Peelen MV. (2015) Disentangling visual and semantic object representations in time and space using MEG and fMRI decoding. Tübingen MEG Symposium, Tübingen, Germany. 


Proklova D, Kaiser D, Peelen MV. (2015). Disentangling the effects of shape and category on the representation of animate and inanimate objects in human ventral temporal cortex. 45th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, USA.


Kaiser D, Downing PE, Peelen MV. (2015) Suppressive top-down mechanisms trigger attentional modulation of perceptual representations in visual cortex. 4th CIMeC Doctoral School Day, Rovereto, Italy.

Kaiser D, Oosterhof NN, Peelen MV. (2015) The temporal dynamics of target selection in real-world scenes. 15th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA.


Hickey C, Kaiser D, Peelen MV. (2015) Neural mechanisms of incentive salience in naturalistic human vision. 15th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA.


Stein T, Kaiser D, Peelen MV. (2015) Real-world regularities facilitate visual awareness of objects under continuous flash suppression. 15th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA.


Kaiser D, Downing PE, Peelen MV. (2015) Suppressive top-down mechanisms trigger attentional modulation of perceptual representations in visual cortex. CAOs Workshop on Concepts, Actions and Objects, Rovereto, Italy.


Proklova D, Kaiser D, Peelen MV. (2015) Animate-inanimate organization in human ventral temporal cortex: shape or category? CAOs Workshop on Concepts, Actions and Objects, Rovereto, Italy.


Azzalini DC, Kaiser D, Peelen MV. (2015) Temporal dynamics of visual object categorisation: an MEG decoding study. Brixen Cognitive Science Arena, Brixen, Italy.


Kaiser D, Oosterhof NN, Peelen MV. (2014) The temporal dynamics of target selection in real-world scenes. Tübingen MEG Symposium, Tübingen, Germany.


Kaiser D, Oosterhof NN, Peelen MV. (2014) The temporal dynamics of target selection in real-world scenes. 3rd CIMeC Doctoral School Day, Rovereto, Italy.


Kaiser D, Peelen MV. (2014) Multi-voxel pattern analysis versus fMRI-adaptation: Comparing apples and oranges? RESUS - Repetition Suppression Summer School, Jena, Germany.


Kaiser D, Stein T, Peelen MV. (2014) Reduced attentional competition between objects that follow real-world regularities. 14th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA. 


Kaiser D, Stein T, Peelen MV. (2014) Real-world regularities enhance visual short-term memory for objects. CAOs Workshop on Concepts, Actions and Objects, Rovereto, Italy.


Kaiser D, Stein T, Peelen MV. (2014) Reduced attentional competition between objects that follow real-world regularities. 56th TeaP - Conference for Experimental Psychologists, Giessen, Germany.


Kaiser D, Stein T, Peelen MV. (2013) Real-world regularities reduce attentional competition between objects. Rovereto Attention Workshop, Rovereto, Italy.


Kaiser D, Stein T, Peelen MV. (2013) Object grouping expands visual capacity. 2nd CIMeC Doctoral School Day, Rovereto, Italy.


Kaiser D, Strnad L, Seidl KN, Kastner S, Peelen MV. (2013) Independent face- and body-selective fMRI response patterns in human fusiform gyrus during whole-person perception. 36th European Conference on Visual Perception, Bremen, Germany. 


Kovács G, Kaiser D, Kaliukhovich DA, Vogels R. (2012) Stimulus repetition probability does not affect repetition suppression for non-face stimuli in the human lateral occipital cortex. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA.


Keresztes A, Kaiser D, Nagy K, Kovács G, Racsmány M. (2012) Neuroimaging evidences of testing effect. DuCog IV, Dubrovnik Conference on Cognitive Science, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Kaiser D, Walther C, Schweinberger SR, Kovács G. (2011) Dissociating repetition priming and adaptation-aftereffect related neural activity in the human brain. Workshop of DFG Research Unit "Person Perception": Integrating Cognitive, Neuroscientific, and Social Approaches to Person Perception: Current Status and Future Perspectives, Jena, Germany.

Kovács G, Kaiser D, Walther C, Schweinberger SR. (2011) Dissociating repetition priming and adaptation-aftereffect related neural activity in the human brain. 41st Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.

Kaiser D, Walther C, Kovács G. (2010) The neural correlates of priming and adaptation - The quest for an applicable paradigm. Workshop of DFG Research Unit "Person Perception": Person Perception 25 years after Bruce and Young (1986), Jena, Germany.


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